
Thursday, November 3, 2011

Reading Centers

This is a picture of my management system for my reading center books. I used to have the kids keep their books in plastic magazine boxes but my brilliant co-worker Jill came up with this idea. This method takes up a lot less room and now I can use the other buckets to organize our classroom library books.

Inside each box are the books the kids use during centers:

*ABC Art
*ABC Animal Drawing & Writing
*Popcorn (Sight) Word practice
*ABC Punches
*Read the Room/Write the Room
I featured the ABC Animal Drawing book in my previous post and you can download it for free. I thought I'd spend the next few days explaining the other books the kids use.
Tomorrow night is our school's Sock Hop but after that I'll be be back to explain some more of our books!


1 comment:

  1. Hello, Just stopping by because I noticed that I was getting some traffic from your blog! Yeah, I am now following you. I just downloaded your awesome Animal Drawing book. I can't believe you are giving that away free. Thank you so much, can't wait to give it a whirl. I also added you to my blog list...hope you get some traffic from my blog!
    Mrs.Miner’s Monkey Business
