
Saturday, May 25, 2013

End of Year Gift for Kids

SUPER cheap SUPER easy end of year gifts for your class:
*Pop Rocks from dollar store (3 for $1.00!)
*Avery Stickers #5963
(or you could just print them off on paper and tape them on)


(Click HERE for your FREE copy.)

I was surprised how many of my kids had never had Pop Rocks before.  It was cute to watch their expressions as they ate them!

Day 1 of Summer Break for me and enjoying every minute of it! 

Friday, May 24, 2013

End of Year, Decompression & A Challenge!

I have been the WORST blogger in the history of bloggers this year!  Confession:  Common Core is kicking my butt!  I haven't had time to do anything except eat, sleep, drink and dream Common Core.  I'm thinking of having them tattooed on my arm so that I can cross them off with a sharpie after I've taught them.  

But now. . . the year is over for me!  Kids are gone, walls are cleared and my desk is packed away! I can breathe, read for pleasure and of course start thinking about next year!  

To start the summer off I am participating in a Clip Art Challenge hosted by the wonderful ladies over at Primary Possibilities.  I have been asked to create a teaching product using Dancing Crayon Designs clip art.  The post with all the products will go live June 7 so keep checking back for updates!