
Friday, May 24, 2013

End of Year, Decompression & A Challenge!

I have been the WORST blogger in the history of bloggers this year!  Confession:  Common Core is kicking my butt!  I haven't had time to do anything except eat, sleep, drink and dream Common Core.  I'm thinking of having them tattooed on my arm so that I can cross them off with a sharpie after I've taught them.  

But now. . . the year is over for me!  Kids are gone, walls are cleared and my desk is packed away! I can breathe, read for pleasure and of course start thinking about next year!  

To start the summer off I am participating in a Clip Art Challenge hosted by the wonderful ladies over at Primary Possibilities.  I have been asked to create a teaching product using Dancing Crayon Designs clip art.  The post with all the products will go live June 7 so keep checking back for updates!


  1. Welcome back! That tattoo idea might go viral! ;) Can't wait to see your new product and what else you've been up to after you get some much needed R&R! Take care!!

  2. Michelle, I can so totally relate! I have not been blogging as much either. Common Core has been the big focus for me as well. Enjoy your break and maybe both of us will get back on track.

    :) Ann
